Physical Computing

Joël Gähwiler, Zurich University of the Arts, 2018
Physical computing means building interactive physical systems by the use of software and hardware that can sense and respond to the analog world.
This is how the computers sees us. PC is about enriching human computer interaction.
Photo by Moritz Kemper
To do so, we use electronics to build our own computers and change the inputs and outputs.
Graphic by Moritz Kemper
A physical computing system.


BBC Micro (1981)

The book "Physical Computing"
by Dan O'Sullivan and Tom Igoe (2004)

The ITP (Interactive Telecommunications Program)
Physical Computing Website (2004)

The Wiring platform by Hernando Barragán (2003)

The Arduino platform (2005)

The Raspberry Pi platform (2012)

Other Milestones


inFORM by Tangible Media Group
The most notable group in the physical computing space.
HydroMorph by Tangible Media Group
This project touches on subjects like material research.
Trophy Camera by Dries Depoorter
This projects is a mobile computer that augments an interaction.
Knock Knock by Khalil Klouche
Usually we have small objects in mind that combine sensors and actuators.
T-Kit by Colin Lüond & Fabrice Spahn
A nice example from our own students.
by Luke Franzke and Joël Gähwiler